WAFI WEEK 12 (17.1)

FLAG Women center

Jerry’s Giants vs Paige’s Lakers

As the season’s end approaches, teams fight for their place in the standings. On Monday, Jerry’s Giants, the season's underdogs, played Paige’s Lakers, a team of some of the most senior players in the league, for the second time. After beating all odds and winning the first time around, could they pull it off again? Jerry’s Giants started the game on offense, with the first injury of the game, but Hadassah at least caught the ball, so even though we all thought she got a concussion, she walked it off like a pro and even advanced the team 10 yards. On second down, Sarah Trebish caught the ball from QB Tova Hornstein but tripped on an unknown object. In the next play, Bassi Ruskin caught the ball and turned to run, dodging every flag pull, she ran the ball 15 yards and into the end zone, scoring the game’s first touchdown! Paige’s Lakers started offense, followed by a beautiful catch from Ora Gold, who advanced 10 yards. The team kept advancing with each play, but did not pass the 25 yard line, returning the ball to Jerry’s Giants. Tova threw a 20 yard pass to Amalia Littwin, who caught it, but then got her flag pulled by Atara Klein and Elisheva Marcus. On third down, we had yet another Injury, as Tova threw a 15 yard pass that slipped right through Deena Hornstein’s hands and hit her right in the face (she’s ok). Tova then threw a beautiful pass to Amalia Littwin, who ran it another 5 yards and got another touchdown! In an attempt to get an extra point, there was another “ball to the face” injury. With Paige’s Lakers on offense now, Cindy played a handoff with Ora Gold, who advanced 15 yards before Tova pulled her flag. A few incomplete passes later, Hadassah caught the ball and ran toward the end zone when Ora flew in and pulled her flag just a few yards before the end zone! Jerry’s Giants then got another touchdown, when Deena Hornstein caught the ball in the end zone. Hadassah got the extra point for the team. When Paige’s Lakers started offense, Cindy passed the ball to Ora who ran it 20 yards before getting her flag pulled by Bassi, as she slid across the floor pulling her flag out. In the next play, Nechama Brickner caught the ball and advanced a few yards when Dina Vahava pulled her flag out, and half time was called. As the second half started, with Paige’s Lakers on offense, Amalia Littwin intercepted the pass and gained a few yards. A few flag pulls later, Paige’s Lakers advanced to the end zone, and on fourth down, had one chance to get a touchdown. QB Cindy Scarr threw the ball to Elisheba Marcus, who caught it with one hand, fumbled the ball a bit, but eventually completely caught it, giving Paige’s Lakers a touchdown! Nechama Brickner scored the extra 2 points. Amalia Littwin stepped in as qb for the next play. She threw an insane 25 yard throw to Hadassah, who caught it, and ran it another 20 yards, straight to the end zone! The game ended 31-7 to Jerry’s Giants! Note: no players were harmed in the making of this game.

Paige’s Lakers MVP was Nechama Brickner and Jerry’s Giants MVP was Amalia Littwin.

Big Blue vs Pizzeria Efrat

The stakes for playoff seeds keep getting higher, as the top 3 teams battle it out for first place! This week, Pizzeria Efrat returned to play Big Blue, after the loss from 3 weeks ago, this time with an uninjured Eta. Pizzeria Efrat started on offense, with Sima Solomon as qb, who threw the ball to Eta and she advanced 15 yards. 2 plays later, Eli Baumol intercepted a pass, and as she ran, Adiella Cohnen pulled Eli’s flag, but the entire belt came off… Pizzeria Efrat got the ball back, but again, Daniella Friedman from Big Blue intercepted and gained a few yards. Starting offense, QB Roni Kahn threw a few long passes, but were incomplete. On fourth down, Monica caught the ball but got her flag pulled by Eliana Groner before she could pass the half. Sima then played a handoff with Adiella, who gained 10 yards, but in the next play, Sima’s pass was intercepted, again, by Daniella Friedman. When Big Blue had the ball, Roni threw a beautiful pass to Eli who ran the ball. As she approached the end zone, everyone anticipated the first touchdown, when Eta pulled her flag just 3 yards before the end zone! In the next play, Big Blue tried getting the ball into the end zone, but Sima intercepted the pass and knocked down the ball. Adiella switched Sima as quarterback, she threw the ball to Eta, but Eli Baumol intercepted the pass. She barely advanced as Eta was there to pull her flag, and Big Blue returned to offense, still no touchdowns.. Big Blue advanced slowly and precisely, as Roni threw the ball and the receiver advanced before getting her flag pulled, when half time was called. Pizzeria Efrat started on offense, with a 20 yard pass from Adiella to Sima, and Daniella Friedman pulled her flag. In the next play, Adiella threw another 20 yard pass to Sima, who knocked Daniella down as she tried to intercept, and ran it into the end zone, for the first touchdown of the game to Pizzeria Efrat! Big Blue fought back, as Roni passed the ball to Daniella, who dodged every player, maneuvering around them to the open field, where she ran 30 yards to the end zone scoring Big Blue their first touchdown! Big Blue then intercepted Pizzeria Efrat’s pass on the 10 yard line, when Cheili Abel caught the ball with one hand and her shoulder. In the next play, Roni threw the ball to Cheili and she got another touchdown for her team. Daniella Friedman scored the extra point. Pizzeria Efrat stepped it up in the next play, when Adiella threw a 20 yard pass to Eliana, who caught it and ran it into the end zone for another beautiful touchdown. Big Blue retaliated, scoring another touchdown when Daniella caught a 15 yard pass and ran it into the end zone! After an injury and a half, Eliana scored another touchdown for Pizzeria Efrat. The clock was running and the score was close when Monica Neustadter scored a touchdown for Big Blue, ending the game 31-24 to Big Blue! Everyone froze their butts off and played hard! At the end of the game, everyone joined for one big picture showing amazing sportsmanship.

Pizzeria Efrat MVP was Sima Solomon and Big Blue MVP was Roni Kahn.