FLAG Women center

Week 11/ June 7th

Big Blue v. Judean Rebels

On the first play of the game, the Rebels were on offense, Margalit Abell Big Blue's main left corner on defense swoops the ball in for an interception bringing her team only 15 yards away from the TD zone. QB Roni Kahn took charge of the situation quickly by setting the tone of the game with a TD thrown to Racheli Abell, and soon after another TD was made by Elisheva Baumol. For the Rebels, Naama Rausman scored a touchdown and Tifferet caught the extra point.

Big Blue defense played a tight forceful game with the sisters Sharona and Margalit Abell (corners) making non-stop amazing flag pulls and not letting anything get by them.

The Rebels defense was not shy at all as Raquella caught a pick-6 and Tehilla Lowenstein caught two more interceptions for the team!

Starting the second half with a tight score of 13-12, both teams were showing a very strong defense and fighting strong.

On Big Blue’s defensive line, Aliza Zalcman made a great interception ensuring the Rebels do not score.

Back on Defense, the Rebels safety Tehilla Lowenstein, caught another interception! Roni on Big Blue passed the ball to her receiver who then tipped the ball to a defender who tipped the ball to a receiver, and when the ball went straight through her hands, Tehilla snatched the ball for a pick and started running down the field! Roni managed to pull Tehilla’s flag stopping her from scoring.

On Big Blues next chance on offense, QB Roni Kahn shocked everyone by making a beautiful 30 yard throw to Eli Baumol who was able to make an incredible catch for another TD putting Big Blue in the lead.

With just minutes left to the game, Big Blue's defense put up a strong fight ensuring they stay in the lead and don’t let the rebels score another TD ending the game 18-13 for Big Blue.

More scores of the night: Modiin Flames v. Tigers (7-19), Zebras v. Eagles (19-13).