FLAG Women center

Quarter Finals/ June 14th

Modiin Flames v. Eagles [12 – 13]

The first half of the game belonged to the Modiin Flames as they scored twice, while not allowing the Eagles to advance down the field. One was caught in the Endzone by Miriam Wolf and the other was scored by Zehava Lipman. A beautiful pick almost led to a Pick-6. The ball was caught by Kayla Grodner after it was tipped off by amazing defense played by Talya Kishineff. Kayla ran down almost the entire field but got her flag pulled at the 1-yard line. The first half ended 12-0 for the Modiin Flames.

The second half of the game was very exciting as Nitzan Strouss right at the beginning of the half managed to run down the whole field with the ball for the Eagles first touchdown. The Eagles also managed to adjust their game plan and strategy, now they were not giving the Flames a chance to advance down the field. Nitzana and Esther showed a great game, after not winning any games this season they were eager to prove their hard work and practice throughout the season and they sure did with two interceptions per player. It was Esther Guedalia who made the big change in the game with a wonderful pick-6 and followed with another catch for the extra point bringing up the score to 13-12 and securing their spot in the Semi Finals.

The second quarter finals game did not take place. Unfortunately, the Tigers, being the underdogs with everyone’s hope for them to be able to fight their way up to the Championships after showing a magnificent improvement, had to forfeit their opportunity in the quarter finals due to the fact that they did not have enough players who can show up. We will see them next week playing in the Toilet Bowl for 5th place.