Tackle IFL Adults

Cameron Simmonds (Tel aviv Pioneers #1 national team #80)

I'd like to share a memory I had during our game vs Spain.

First of all, I'm honored to have had the opportunity to represent the land of Israel.

In our first organized game vs team Spain my adrenaline was running high. I was so ready to take the field and put it all on the line for our country.

I remember scoring the first ever Touchdown for the Israeli national football team on a pass from Matt Kauffman. It was 3rd and long. I ran a Fade route on the left side of the field. Next thing I know I'm in the end zone and I'm able to make a play on the ball. I make the catch and score the first TD for team Israel on our way to a close game victory. Amazing feeling, I'll remember that feeling for the rest of my life.