FLAG Adult nationnal

Week two of The FM Home Loans AFI League brought out the best in the new young talent in the league. New teams battled with veteran squads and held their own. Top teams shined versus teams still figuring it out. The crowd came out to support their squads on a breezy night in Jerusalem at Kraft Stadium. Teams are looking to continue their momentum into the early journey of the season with the goal of raising the Holy Land Bowl Trophy.

The Rebbishe Vikings (2-0) Vs Big Blue (0-4)

The Vikings started off their season on the right foot with a 21-0 victory over Big Blue in large part to quarterback Solomon Assis throwing three touchdown passes. Big Blue fought back in game two to keep it close but lost a tough one 19-13, after Elliot Sayegh caught the winning touchdown to win the game for The Rebbishe Vikings.

Jay Feder Jewelers (0-4) Vs Orlo (4-0)

Orlo continued their impressive start to their season with two wins over Jay Feder’s Jewelers 18-6 and 14-8 in large part to quarterback Meir Reischer connecting with his favorite target Yosef Damski.

Mercaz Moosen 2-0 Vs BDMG (0-2)

Mercaz Moosen came out with a bang to start their season behind a pumping crowd to support them. Mercaz did not disappoint the crowd with big help from wide receiver Shragie Peretz and shut down defense which resulted into two victories, 13-0 and 14-6.

Pizzeria Efrat (4-0) Vs Blueshells (1-3)

Pizzeria Efrat proved their new number one power ranking with two big victories. Ezzi Jaski had a rushing and throwing touchdown to win game one 21-18 over the Blueshells. Game two was decided by Hall Of Famer Tzvi Sklar’s safety early in the game which proved to be the only points in a 2-0 victory.

Bandits (1-3) Vs Soulja Boi (1-1)

The Bandits took control in game one behind team leader Moshe Deutsch to cruise to a 20-14 victory. The Bandits fell short in their lastdrive and took a 13-7 loss to the Souldja Boys in game two.

Toras Chaim (3-1) Vs YLE Bacholers (1-1)

YLE Bachelors quieted the noisy crowd early and cruised on to a 19-7 victory behind three touchdowns from tight end Yossi Sherr. Toras Chaim showed what their made of in a hard fought 13-7 game two  victory which was ended when Shai Feintuch intercepted Avi Zern on the last drive of the game.

Top Five Power Rankings:

  1. Pizzeria Efrat – The veteran squad still waiting to play the top young talent.
  2. Mercaz Moosen – This team is hungry for competition.
  3. YLE Bachelors – Chemistry shows its true winning colors
  4. Toras Chaim – Things just getting started for this young hearted team
  5. D.E.C. – Lot of talent but must be used the right way.