מי זכתה באליפות ליגת הנשים אביב 2022-23?

FLAG פלאג

June 4th, 2023

WAFI Spring League Playoffs and Championship

The WAFI spring finals kicked off with 2 crazy games! With Fumble Rumble playing Spring Fever for a chance to make it to the championship game against Santa’s Little Helpers, and Super Bowlers and Ballers, fighting it out to stay in the playoffs. The game of Super Bowlers vs Ballers ended quickly with a 51-6 final, but the second game lasted quite some time. With the Spring Fever quarterback not playing, the team made due in an astonishing competitive 3 touchdowns. But the final touchdown, and winning them the game by just 2 points was Fumble Rumble who stole the game in the last minute, advancing them to the championship! Before the championship could commence, Super Bowlers made an incredible comeback against Spring Fever for third. Despite an incredible performance in the semi-finals, Spring Fever had no answer to the tactics of Super Bowlers, and so they took third with a final score of 27-13. The championship game was intense, incredibly close and extremely entertaining! With both teams playing their hearts out, each having their opportunity to lead the game, the score was close until the very last touchdown. With less than a minute to go, Fumble Rumble were up by 5 points. However, after an unsuccessful try for a touchdown by Fumble Rumble, and an immediate return by Santa’s Little Helpers, the girls in the red shirts took the trophy in a crazy 19-18! Santa’s Little Helpers won the WAFI spring league championship, Fumble Rumble cemented second place, and Super Bowlers took third!