Medical Test Info

The law requires every athlete that plays in an organized league like ours to take a medical test EVERY YEAR. The tests are done by a government sanctioned medical company.

The AFI has partnered with "Machon 1" for these tests.

Machon 1 is located across from gate 15 of Teddy stadium on David Ayalon St. near Malcha Mall. It is open on Sundays and Wednesdays from 4-7 pm. They will give you a receipt that you took the test which you will need to give to your captain. Best to keep a picture of the recipt.  You do not have to pay them, you already payed at the office.

Due to Covid-19 you have to schedule an appointment online and can not just show up like in previous years.

Below is a website for other branches in other towns for Machon 1 facilities.